

Object conservation includes the conservation of most three dimensional artworks and artifacts in a wide variety of materials. This includes objects made of traditional materials such as ceramic, glass, stone, wood, lacquer, leather, and metal, or contemporary materials such as plastic or complex multi-media. Object conservation can be complex and range in scale, requiring treatment of both structural and aesthetic conditions.

Typical treatments include reassembly and surface integration of sculptures, polishing and fills for damaged plastics, surface cleaning, fills, and structural repairs for ceramic, marble, stone, ivory, wood, bone, concrete, and Asian lacquer, stabilization of corrosion and bronze disease for sculptures, treatment of painting surface for contemporary objects, reassembly and fills for glass, leather repairs, and more. The objects team works with a focus on documentation and re-treatability, as objects often require routine maintenance over their lifetime.

Preservation Arts also specializes in furniture conservation, with a focus on the stabilization and preservation of as much original material as possible to retain the integrity, value, and artistic intent of the furniture maker.